Site icon Top-Notch Cleaning, LLC.

Statement concerning at Home Order

I want to pass along an update to our staff and valued clients. Today the State of Ohio placed a Director’s Stay at Home Order and you can view the full attachment of this order at the link below. On page 6 of this order it clearly states that cleaning and janitorial staff are considered a critical trade. A large part of our clients are high risk individuals needing our services, as well as the many commercial clients that will remain open (financial, medical, auto repair, industrial, law, media and so on). Top-Notch Cleaning has placed a call (left a VM) to the Ohio Department of Health and discussed this with our legal council to confirm.

TO OUR VALUED CLIENTS: We will take it day by day, but at this time the services we provide have never been more needed. Top-Notch Cleaning will be cleaning and disinfecting our clients this week as planned. Calls will be made to all clients confirming your appointments and upcoming schedules.

TO OUR AMAZING TEAM: We will continue to follow all guidelines concerning any staff member not feeling well (with a fever). You will have to stay home until you are feeling better or at least 72 hours as legally mandated. Top-Notch Cleaning will continue to provide each office and vehicle with hand sanitizer and masks. Please be diligent with wiping clean and disinfecting high-touch areas at our offices and vehicles.

Top-Notch Cleaning will do everything in it’s power to keep all staff on it’s typical work schedule and hours. Laying off staff is the absolute last resort. As our dayshift schedule fluctuates, our staff may need to pick up a mid-day shift or afternoon shift to accommodate these unchartered times.

As always THANK YOU for all that you do.…/new…/directors-stay-at-home-rder

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